Sunday, February 12, 2012

If you enjoyed "The American Pragmatists", you might also like...


Vinegar Tasters...OK. That was me, Belz, Tommy, and Lys Guillorn in Lys's basement. Believe it or not NO DRUGS. I remember we had a janky bass pedal but no bass drum so I ended up using a cardboard box stuffed with towels. Gave good Anti-Parent Culture Sound.
Belz got loose vocally-lyrically. We ate lunch under a tree in Lys's back yard at a table. That afternoon, using Lys's wall-mounted phone in the kitchen, I found out a girl I was in love with went and got married, WITHOUT my say so. Crusher sort of. Then back to making awesome sounds.




  1. I KNOW FOR A FACT that "Secret Blender" was recorded, or else how could I have heard it? Tape Warblers, check under your sinks, find me "Secret Blender", and digitize it.

  2. whoa completely forgot Jamie Siwinski was involved wit dis. He was a good fella, was in Cooney's band.

  3. sorry i keep commenting here...getting a real FUGS vibe off of "tattoo on my behind"

  4. Thanks for posting this. I had no idea it existed, though I think I might have heard Tom play a couple of these songs live once. Where's that song about his "little devil?"

  5. "My Cheap Skin" should be coming up in an "AP: Phase II" post...

  6. Secret Blender might be on a different tape... there was a tape we had with a LOT of material on it. I'm going to look for it. Laughing/crying...

  7. Gentle reader, I think there were kitchen implements involved in the percussion on "Don't You Wish Your Parents Worked in the Factories", as well as power tools.

    1. Lys, if you can find any tapes, I have recently acquired digitization powers. If you mail it to me I can DIGITIZE IT and mail it back...
